Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Researchers See Rare Woodpecker in Fla.

This from the news:

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - After spending months in remote northwest Florida swamps searching for the ivory-billed woodpecker, researchers say they have seen and heard the rare bird once believed to be extinct.

The bird was thought to be extinct until 2004 when Cornell University researchers released recordings and an inconclusive grainy video after searching for it in the swamps of eastern Arkansas. The last confirmed ivory-billed sighting was in 1944.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

In the beginning...

So I'm giving up. I've been so anti-blog for the past 3 or 4 years and finally I'm here, starting up one. Odd thing is, this is not much different from the old Delirium Tremens rants at GoD. Indeed, this is like Delirium Tremens made easier and faster and all those other something-ers.

Besides, I needed a place to post Photoshopped images --funny how the program's name has become verbalized to indicate the editing of imagery for fun.

Speaking of Photoshopping, here comes the first entry. Let's call it Where Is Pearl.