Monday, January 08, 2007

Grace Park is the hottest thing this side of Caprica

The title pretty much says it all. Grace Park is hotter than that pulsar in the Lion's Head nebula. The Boomer/Sharon/Athena character in the new Battlestar Galactica is probably the most difficult one in the series and Grace hasn't disappointed a bit. On the contrary, the virtual-Canadian actress has proved her chops, surpassing every expectation and making her character(s) as important as the main storyline itself. And she's made a lot of fans in the process, too. There's a gazillion web shrines dedicated to the space goddess popping up all over the Net. And for those astigmatic souls who, after 2+ seasons of Galactica, still weren't sure she was that hot, the MAXIM photo shoot was like a Lasik surgery. Of the soul. Sucks for you that she's already married. And it double sucks that after her divorce she'll be marrying me. Yep. I've already emailed her the details. She hasn't answered yet, but that's because she must be busy with work and such and such. I see my Inbox flashing. It must be her. bbl.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Pirate Bay strikes back (again)

No Comment:

Disclaimer: I know nothing about anything that even remotely has any resemblance of illegality whatsoever, but I think the guys at The Pirate Bay kick ass. And thinking that is not illegal :P

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Sassafraz is gone (and so is Peter Boyle)

The legendary Sassafraz is no more. Shucks. Early in the afternoon of the 13th (Wednesday, not Friday) a fire took pretty much the whole place. Luckily it didn't spread to other adjacent buildings or I would have been left without my Sassa pasta AND without my Sushi Inn sashimi and oysters AND without my Love + Scandal bubble tea. The owners have said they don't know if they'll rebuild. I can think of a few places already positioning themselves as the NEW place-to-be come the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival. I'll vouch for Susur's; the guy is on fire lately (not Sassafraz-style fire, though; whew!). Although the Sass was the de-facto hangout to stars of all sizes during the Fest, the most memorable thing about it (for me) is that my robo-babe friend Nanako once worked there.

Also gone (but not on fire) is the much beloved and also legendary Peter Boyle. I was never a big fan of Everybody Loves Raymond; I found the Ray character a bit too... kinda... stupid; but Boyle's role in it made the show worth watching. I guess by now Raymondphiles are also aware that Boyle was the monster in Mel Brook's bestester flick The Young Frankenstein. Like I was telling my other robo-babe friend Femicas, I want a YF costume for next Hallowe'en, so I can sing "Uttin on eh Iiiiiitzzzzz!" like the best! I've been practicing in the shower and I'm getting pretty good at it. The Light's got a lot funnier now that Peter is in it. Now hit the Play button thingie and sing along, I know you want to...

I want my Shuttle

I'm not a big fan of wine sold in anything other than a glass bottle. I tried some Italian Chardie that came in one of those tetrapak deals that you squeeze the air from and, although it was convenient, I was not convinced about the combo. Wine, tetrapack... ummmm, no.

Here now comes the next thing and I'm in love. It's called The Shuttle and it's NOT a sex toy. Yeah, despite the visual trance-provoking name. Sorry, Shammi. The Shuttle is this new cool acrilic all-in-one wine bottle that comes with its own glass. When I read about it I thought "Great, a plastic cup glued to a bottle of wine, how classy" but I saw the pic and I was sold. Stylish little devil. Now I want one and they don't have plans to sell them in Canada (yet). Bloody blastards. I want my Shuttle!! Donations accepted.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sony does the bully thingie

I'm not into the whole gaming scene --last RPG game I owned was Diablo II-- but the news about Sony doing the bully dance just pissed me off royally. Here's the background.

We all know that all the high tech thingamajingies by these asian makers are always released first in Japan and only months later in North America and Europe. Want the latest cellphone? Try shopping in Seoul. Want the coolest add-on for your PSP? Tokyo is the place to be. So what's a hardcore gamer to do? That's what some smart entrepeneur in Hong Kong thought about before starting up Lik Sang. Lik Sang is (or was) an online retailer specialized in supplying those same high tech gadgets to buyers in North America and Europe. Buying directly from the source country, mainly Japan, Lik Sang would then resell the goods to those gamers who couldn't wait half a year to get their hands on the latest hardware. That's until Sony sued Lik Sang in a London court last year for copyright infringement and other crap to stop the online retailer from selling PSP consoles in Europe before their official release there. This week the same London court ruled in favour of Sony, paving the way for other manufacturers to initiate action against Lik Sang.

According to Lik Sang's website, they have decided to close shop because "With this precedent set, next week could already be the stage for complaints from Sony America about the same thing, or from other console manufacturers about other consoles to other regions, or even from any publisher about any specific software title."

The sucky thing is that Lik Sang was not selling pirated software or consoles. All they did was buy from Sony and resell to people who wanted these products. The precedent is that, if you live in Europe, you can't sell your used console to someone else. The console that you bought and belongs to you to do as you wish. You can't sell it if you don't like it anymore. You can't get rid of it if you get a newer better one. In other words, once you buy a Sony console you're stuck with it like it or not. Hurray for your rights to resell something you legitimatelly buy. Hurray for Sony.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A pig in my pooter

One thing I've taken pride of is that I keep my machine crapware-free by following a few basic rules like keeping my Norton, Spybot S&D, and AdAware updated, mainly. And running preventive scans regularly. So imagine my surprise when, while doing a routine scan this morning, Spybot tells me I've got something called Torpig. Damage control mode kicks in and I google the name, thinking in the background that it may be somehow related to TOR and, thus, a false alarm. For those not in the know TOR stands for The Onion Router, a free IP masking service that my Azureus frequently connects to.

Surprise surprise. Torpig happens not to be a false alarm. It's a passworrd stealer trojan. Bad. According to Panda's website, "It needs an attacking user's intervention in order to reach the affected computer." Badder. Only scenario I can think of here is a bugged webpage. The kind that are displayed when you open a SPAM email. My bad. I've been getting cocky and actually opening some SPAM emails lately. That's gotta stop.

So Spybot offers to clean it up after restart. No, thanks. Spybot is a great tool but its clean-on-restart feature can take forever. I dig in my toolchest (no, not THAT toolchest, Sammi) and find what I was looking for: KillBox. This little piece of software by an unassuming fellow Canuckian does a great job of removing anything -including executables attached to running processes- on reboot. I set the parameters, reboot the box, and Torpig is history. Woot!!

The moral? Do not open SPAM, even if your pooter is safe. The lesson learned? I kick booty. Those dunces at EE (and the other dunce at ERT) don't know what they're missing.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Researchers See Rare Woodpecker in Fla.

This from the news:

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - After spending months in remote northwest Florida swamps searching for the ivory-billed woodpecker, researchers say they have seen and heard the rare bird once believed to be extinct.

The bird was thought to be extinct until 2004 when Cornell University researchers released recordings and an inconclusive grainy video after searching for it in the swamps of eastern Arkansas. The last confirmed ivory-billed sighting was in 1944.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

In the beginning...

So I'm giving up. I've been so anti-blog for the past 3 or 4 years and finally I'm here, starting up one. Odd thing is, this is not much different from the old Delirium Tremens rants at GoD. Indeed, this is like Delirium Tremens made easier and faster and all those other something-ers.

Besides, I needed a place to post Photoshopped images --funny how the program's name has become verbalized to indicate the editing of imagery for fun.

Speaking of Photoshopping, here comes the first entry. Let's call it Where Is Pearl.